Sunday, January 11, 2015

A World of Grapes

The world today is like a field of grapes, full of choices

Some choices will lead to bliss, a beautiful shot of sweetness, leading forward to more wonders ahead.

While others will be bitter, and sour leaving you with a horrid after taste, having you beg for water, and hoping your next choice takes you down a better path.

Once in a while someone will taste a bunch so overwhelmingly good that they will find the other bunches to be bland and unsatisfying even if it is a good bunch.

Others will never be able to find a good grape no matter how hard they try, it’s simply impossible for them.

Some will indulge so much that they make themselves sick, needing to lay down for a bit to recover.

Few will leave early, still hungry, but glad that other people will have the chance to enjoy the fruit.

Too many though, will have had their bunches given to them and most of the time these are the most bitter, but without the freedom to choose, they will eat.

The world is like a field of grapes… full of choices, yet not enough direction and opportunity for people to experience the best ones.

Wednesday, January 7, 2015

A Hitchhiker in the Snow

If you’re interested in an adventure then I suggest you go for a drive between the hours of 7pm and 2am on a cold day when the ground is covered with snow and the temperature is well below zero. Make sure where you are going is away from the city, it’s far too populated. This is best done on a road located in the hills. As you drive you may be surprised to see a figure walking along the road in the distance sticking its thumb out in an attempt to get a ride.

Drive up to it, you’ll see a humanoid figure bundled from head to toe in warm clothes, ask the figure where it’s heading. The creature will say one of three things, either, somewhere exciting, home, or anywhere but here.

At this point, you can shake your head, say sorry and continue driving, or let the passenger in and be prepared for an interesting evening. If you take it with you, then the following will occur

If this figure said, something exciting, you’ll be in for an adventure. Drive where ever you feel you want to go, maybe turn around and start driving home. As you go you’ll come across a tunnel which was not there before. Go through this tunnel as strange as it seems. You’ll be driving for what will seem like an hour, but is merely a few minutes, going through your radio will only be static, even mp3 devices and CDs won’t be of any use. Once you have reached the exit of this tunnel, you’ll come to a desert like environment with a small building about the size of a garden shed baring an omega sign on the front of it. Your passenger will tell you to stop here, at this point the heavy layers will be replaced with street clothes, and the figure will reveal itself to be human. He or She will invite you to come in for some food or a drink. You may leave or oblige them, choosing to come in, will only lead to more surprises. If you enter the building, you’ll find a large and grand dining room with an open center where people will be dancing, if you ask how this is possible your companion will simply say that it’s bigger on the inside. Now go ahead and enjoy yourself, you can mingle, dance, enjoy a bite to eat do what you wish… except have liquor, after all you are the designated driver. You can continue until you’re partied out, or until a bell goes off, once this happens your partner will return to you and ask for a ride back to civilization. Return to your car and turn on the engine, within a moment of doing so everything will fade to white. If you remained sober you’ll wake up in your bed the following morning with a note from your friend saying to give him or her a call when you wish to return back to Omega. However if you had even one sip of alcohol… well the roads are already very treacherous, especially when there icy… I’ll let you guess what happens.

Now if your companion asked for a ride home, you’ll be given an address. Drive this creature to said address, it will thank you and leave a small wooden box on your seat. Take this home with you, once you are settled think of any skill within reality you wish to have. Extreme athletics, a photographic memory, speaking another language perhaps… whatever this may be, think hard about it, and then open the box. You’ll be overwhelmed with information, but then after a few minutes will begin processing the information, give yourself a few days and your wish will be granted.

Finally, if you were told anywhere but here, don’t focus on starting the car, but all your personal details such as your name, address, date of birth, and any next of kin. Why, you wonder? Well within a minute of hearing this, you’ll wake up in a hospital, being told that you were found on the road. Odd, yes but that’s just the beginning, you’ve been missing for a long time, a month to twenty years even. The only memory you will have is that you picked up a hitchhiker, what it said to you and whatever you focused on. Not such a bad fate I guess memories are such dangerous things, who knows where you’ve been or what you’ve done. You’re probably better off without them.

Just remember, if you decide to pick up a hitchhiker… the journey will be exciting regardless.

Tuesday, January 6, 2015

The Illustrators Tome

There was a man I knew, an artist, he’s was always drawing in his sketchbook every time I met with him. He drew out his pictures in a simple black book until it went missing, then a week later I found him using another one. It was unlike any sketch book I’d come across, it was a brown leather book with signs of ware along its covers. On the spine were a series of strange characters, none of which I knew of. I asked him where he got the book and he told me a story about meeting a man beneath a bridge, there he was given a key. The following night he encountered a stranger selling goods in the park, it was here where he found the book and traded the key for it.

A rational person would take these claims as a joke, but this would not be the first odd tale to turn true in this town. Regardless of the story, the book was a strange thing. For starters, you could only draw in it with a pen, pencils broke on contact. No pages could be torn out either, it sounds strange but believe me I tried tearing a page and I also tried scissors, neither worked. But by far the strangest of all things is that what occurred in the drawings occurred in real life… Don’t give me those looks, I know what you’re thinking, but all of this is true.

Not long after my friend had first taken the book, we were chatting about nothing in particular, he was sketching the scenery in the park we were sitting in. In front of us was a pond which he added to his drawing and just to add his own touch of style he threw a whirlpool in the center of it. As he did so, the water in the pond began to spin at a slow pace, but still rapidly enough to see a spiral form in the water. This of course we regarded as a coincidence, there was no way that a simple drawing could have caused such an effect, that’s crazy talk… but it wouldn’t be the only oddity.

The following week we began to experiment, we went to a spot with a view of the lighthouse and started drawing. Once he was near finished, we decided to try a test to see if the oddity from the week prior was actually a simple coincidence. So with the sky we drew another spiral, a very detailed one at that, and we bent the tops of a few trees. Within seconds of doing so, the tops of the painted trees were being pulled at, and clouds were beginning to circle forming this strange pattern, they even began changing color. It was… amazing, and scary, but the affect only lasted for a few minutes before everything returned to normal. This was when we realized how powerful the book we had was.

Within the duration of a few months the artist and I thought to change our neighborhood, I would give him some ideas and he would create them. It was a wonderful partnership that we had. We were the un-named hero’s working without doing a thing, we changed people’s lives without ever meeting them. It was nice… sometimes I wish it could have stayed like that.

We continued our cause for a year. At this point we called the book, The Illustrators Tome due to the magic that was done. At this time we had also gone through half of our pages and were taking a break. I was walking down the street, looking for something that needed to be changed, nothing really stood out on that day. On this street there was a gas a station. On this particular day, there were large trucks nearby, seemed ordinary enough. A full minute past and as I turned away to head off, the street was demolished by an explosion, and that was the last thing I could remember before waking up in a hospital

What had happened that day was unusual. A plane had fallen out of the sky, crashing into the gas station and setting the surrounding vehicles on fire. It was… horrific, impossible even, where we were located was in a business district full of high rises, the plane would have struck a higher building and then crash into its neighbor. There was only one possible explanation and it disturbed me.

I ran over to my partner’s house after being discharged from the hospital. I found the place with the front door open and the rooms ransacked. The only trace of him was a note, saying that he didn’t know what had come over him almost as though he was possessed, he apologized over and over. Finally, he said he was taking the book and leaving, going away, a place where he couldn’t do harm. I was shocked, and yet I knew he had to do this, there was no way a drawing could connect him to causing the crash and jail wasn’t where he belonged. If anything he would have ended up in a mental ward if he had confessed.

It’s been five years since I last saw him, but I know he is still around, some nights I can see spectacular images in the night’s sky, people lives being changed in an instant. He’s still following our cause. Yet in spite of these beautiful actions, once in a while there is an incident of turmoil… cost verses effect I guess. They’re not as bad as the first one though, no, never that level of destruction. Perhaps he’s gaining a grip on it… or it’s learning to be like us, who knows?

Monday, January 5, 2015


Why… it’s a three letter word, yet in spite of this it’s one of the most powerful words within existence.

Why… it’s the start, why are we what we are, why is there a sphere in our sky, why was Hitler so evil, everything you wonder begins with why, even if it starts with what or how… why do you want to know?

Why… we use it to make things clear, everything in the world is fuzzy, humans are wired to find the order within chaos, it’s a part of what we are, and a part of how we operate.

Why... It pushes us to reach what we want, what we need, what we have and what we don’t know.

Why… perhaps it has something to do with instincts or our own gut feelings.

Why… whatever it’s used for, it’s the most important question we ask, why did he do that, why is it done like that?, why do we exist?

Why… are you not asking yourself something?

Why… are you reading this?

Why… is the picture so…weird, what is it to begin with?

Why… are you here in the first place?


Sunday, January 4, 2015

A Red Bench

On a rainy day, a man was walking along an empty path, as he made the next turn he came along an old red bench with a well-dressed-fellow sitting on it reading an old book. He paid it no mind and was about to continue when the sitter called out "Take a seat." and looked up from his book.

The two men looked at each other and then the one standing took a seat.

"That's the spirit, now what's your name?" he asked.

"Thomas" the one who was standing replied.

"Nice name, what's troubling you?"

Thomas looked at the strange man with confusion. "Excuse me?"

"The weather's bad, that doesn't mean anything actually, personally I like the rain. However, here you are, coming down the path without really any emotion, look at yourself, you don't even have a jacket."

"I could just be enjoying the rain in my own way?"

"Yes, since the majority of mankind who likes to enjoy the rain with a horrific cold afterwards. Come on, let me in."

"Why, I don't even know you."

"Exactly, and I don't know you, we can talk and I know nothing about who you are or your choices. I can't judge you for anything, because I don't know anything!"

"What's your name stranger?" Thomas asked.

"Edward Harrison, the best reader to have lived."


"Yes, I read books with ease and people just as well, now what's your trouble."

Thomas eyed this stranger, and then began to tell him of all his grievances in his life. Edward listened quietly to this man. Once Thomas had finished his speech, he pulled out a note and wrote on it, Thomas watched him do this with curiosity. Once he had finished, Edward handed the piece of paper to him.

It was a simple phrase:

When there is still air in your lungs, and the blood still flows through your heart, there is still a chance for change...

Thomas read over the piece of paper a few times, at first he was confused, but after a few times the word began to make sense to him. He looked at this once strange man and thanked him for his help.

Thomas then stood up smiling and began to walk again, when he thought of something. He turned back to ask Edward a question, but where the man and red bench once stood, was now an old rusty metal bench with a dedication. Thomas approached the bench and was in shock at what was written.

Edward Harrison

1939 - 1987

He always loved watching people from this little bench
and he loved helping those who needed it

He was indeed, the best reader to live.