Monday, December 29, 2014

The Traveler Beneath The Bridge


 In a certain city in the world, there's a small bridge which vehicles travel along, and beneath said bridge is a pedestrian route threw a park. At first glance there's little significance to it, just a quaint way to travel. However if you happen to be traveling under this bridge during the latest hours of the night, when the moon is at its fullest, you may be in for an interesting surprise. During these very rare occurrences you may see a car, a black and silver car with an odd gray decal on the trunk. If you happen to see this car you may be in for a treat.

          Out from the car a figure will appear, it will be dressed in a gray tattered robe with a hood. It will ask you for your name, at this point you may oblige the creature and tell it who you are, or shake your head, turn away and leave.

          If you choose to oblige this creature, you'll be in for an interesting exchange. At this point it will ask you for the time, make sure you check a watch or a clock, don't check your phone. Checking your phone will cause the creature to disappear and you will most likely never see it again. If you don't have a watch say you don't know, it will only shorten its visit.

           Once these things have been established, the final question it will ask is what you desire. This could be anything, love, wealth, fame, a job, whatever it is, tell this cloaked figure.

            Once it knows this, it will then ask you what it is you want to know. He will answer any questions you ask, it is said that this creature has traveled across, every world and star within every plain of existence. It's supposedly the most intelligent creature, if it truly is a real creature. Ask about anything, even if it seems odd or stupid, it won't be offended nor will it hold it against you. If you don't know what to ask then ask for a story, it will speak of strange occurrences and stranger places, things so far-fetched that somehow feel so real. Whatever you want to or need to know then ask, this will probably be the one chance you have to know whatever you wish, without struggling to get it.

               Continue to ask until it stops you, it will say that it has places to be. Don't argue with it, accept that it must go with understanding. Before it leaves the figure will throw you something, a key, then bid you farewell and at the blink of your eyes it and the car will be gone.

               Return home now with the key in your pocket, don't make any detours or stops, go straight home. Once you return, set the key down in a place you will remember or attach it to your key chain. Now at this point, do as you please, record what you've learned or forget it, whatever you do is completely up to you.

               There have been many speculations about the key, some say it unlocks a shed with odd trinkets others have said it changed their life. Whatever the key does is all up to wonder and imagination, but regardless of all the theories the key changes people’s lives in several different ways.

                     Now there is one thing to be warned of, until dismissed do not try to leave, do not ask to come with it and do not make any detours on your way home. If you do so... well no one is quite sure, not because no one's ever asked, but because they can't. Whoever has done so, hasn't been seen since there exchange, they've simply vanished... how odd.