It was quarter past 11, the streets were empty with exception of the homeless and drunks whose stench was the most probable reason for this scarcity of people. The man smiled as he walk passed two men who were passed out, he then slipped into the alley near an entrance to the building. He pulled his mask out of his bag, a raven mask the cleverest of birds once worn he pulled a key from his pocket and opened the door.
Carefully he moved, the gallery was still closed but there would be at least a few guards here, though preferring not to, he wasn’t afraid to put them down for a nap if necessary. He need not worry about cameras, those that saw him would have no memory of it the following morning. The other security systems were disabled already, this wasn’t his first trip. The only reason the cameras were still up was because attention would be drawn, and that wasn’t anything he needed tonight.
He moved past the exhibits, noting which pieces were valuable. He grew this mental list as he went, the most valuable at the top which was constantly changing. Eventually he found his prize, there across the way from where he was, stood a case guarding what looked like a diamond encrusted necklace. Easy money.
The thief quickly reached his catch, taking a screw driver he carefully pried open the top of the box. He then gripped the precious diamonds, their weight was apparent as he held them but they were beautiful regardless. He slid the precious cargo into his bag, replacing it with a small marble raven statue. He then proceeded to stand up, turn and began his exit.
Quickly, the man dashed through the gallery, he had what he needed and now he just needed to fly. Stealth was no longer an option, once a guard saw the statue he would only have a matter of minutes anyway. As he rushed towards the door a large fat guard stood in front of him, he began shouting something about stopping and something about the law. This Raven remained unfazed, he slipped the backpack to his hands and slammed it against the man, knocking him to the floor and out cold.
As he exited, he drew a black brief case from his bag and tossed it into the dumpster, a minute later. the entire blocks power went out. Traffic lights went dead and even the few cars on the road halted not willing to move again. City, I just cut down the chances of drunk drivers tonight, you owe me, he thought to himself as he made his return to his home.
The following morning the man received a call, he rolled out of bed grabbed his phone and answered.
“It’s happened again, we’re at 22nd and Jordan Street, get down here now!” Responded a frantic voice.
The man hung up his phone, threw together his clothing and rushed down to his car and off to the location.
Upon arrival he smiled as two men approached, “Mr. Arthur, this is Detective Leon, he’s leading the task force in charge of finding the Raven.”
“You have nothing to worry about Mr. Arthur, I assure you we will find your thief.” The detective said smiling mischievously.
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