No matter your status, wealth, faction or heritage, we are all susceptible to the eternal slumber of death.
The concept of death is hard to grasp or truly understand. In the simplest way of explaining it, is basically going into an eternal sleep where you will never be in contact with anyone you care for again… on this plane anyways.
The idea of a simple slumber seems impossible to understand, death and sleep are two very, very, very, VERY different things. So as humans, when we don’t understand things, we come up with theories or folk tales about what happens.
By far the two most popular beliefs are that there’s an afterlife or another plane where your conscious travels to, once you’ve died. The other is reincarnation, after death, your mind is wiped of knowledge of the past and you begin fresh in a new form. There of course are many versions of these theories, some think that it’s only those whose moral compass tips towards good that has access to a better world while the dark hearted receive an eternal punishment. Some believe that the better a person you are the better form you will become in your reincarnation with the best returning to humanity. I could spend hours going through all the ideas and versions that come with these theories, but, in my opinion they’re just theories to make us feel better about our inevitable end.
Another theory I know of relates to flashbacks, when you die, you restart your life all over. Go through your days as you might have before, only making different choices, basically being born into a parallel world. The possibilities are endless of what might happen, a cop here may become a criminal there, or perhaps the british do end up ruling the world after all. I find this quite interesting, the idea of your death simply being a simple click of a reset button.
Out of all these ideas as well as the many more which I have not discussed, why does it seem to be something so feared? Well, from what I have seen and understand, change is difficult for people, as well as goodbyes.Then the idea of death combines both of these ideas and packages them together, making it even more confusing. In whole, death is something as complex as the universe, and we truly will never be able to understand because… when someone’s dead, it’s kind of impossible to communicate with them.
Let me just wrap this all together. Death is the end of everything living, it can be postponed but never prevented. No one does and probably never will know what happens after you die. There have been hundreds upon hundreds of theories created to make us feel better about it, to make the end not seem like the end. People are fearful of it, because it’s a combination of saying goodbye forever and an irreversible change, the unknown is scary as it is, and without a chance to change your mind, it’s nerve racking.
Death… is something that we wonder about and at times worry about too much. It’s natural, the only thing you can do is make your life as memorable as possible, live as much of it without regret, and never end a conversation on a low and angry note. If need be, cling on to one of the many theories, maybe you’ll reach another plane, maybe you’ll fall asleep and wake a new person. Possibly though, you already have finished once before and you’re playing again.
Who really knows?
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