Tuesday, April 21, 2015


In life, there are trillions upon trillions of components which make up everything. Within all of these, are sub-groups which only add more confusion and chaos to the picture.
To give you a better idea, let’s focus on one of the most varied sub-groups in known existence… Humans.
Humanity is a varied group with millions of sub-groups, there are Religious, Atheists, Politics, Activists, Capitalists, Socialists, Mentally Stable, Insane, Famous Celebrities, Unknown Stars, Teachers, Apprentices, Optimists, Pessimists, Leaders, Followers… etc. This is only a basic example, however within all of these groups, there are even more sub-groups.
What if… All of these categories could be made into two groups without leaving any out. I believe this is possible, you have to be able to have a grasp of peoples habits and actions in order for it to be achieved but here it is:
The Consistent and The Capricious.
The Consistent are a safe group in a way. Not because of what they do but how they think. They tend to be at a fixed point on the map, swaying in their zones. They say and do based on their beliefs and thought process, not being ones to question beliefs and traditions. They are consistent in routines, interests and actions. They are not insane, they just happen to have a specific structures and ways of accomplishing things.
Then there are The Capricious. This group isn’t very different than The Consistent, with a few minor exceptions. The Capricious tend to be more or less open people, they enjoy pushing the boundaries and attempting new things. They are positioned on the map based on how they feel and generally move around on the map of groups. They do based on what they believe, but also based on the ideas of others, as well as how they feel. They are bound only by opinions and thoughts, therefore although highly unpredictable, they are very much free spirits at heart.
In life there are trillions of components that make up the universe, as there are with humans. However, I believe we can fit us all in to two very large groups.
So… which are you?

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