Monday, April 20, 2015

Skewed Vision

The following work is based on personal thoughts, views, and opinion

Humans, for the most part are strong, intelligent, and creative in their own ways. Yet with all of these skills that seemingly give us an edge, we all fall victim to a common weakness, even those aware of this will fall victim to it.
All humans fall victim to their own blindness, not visually, but mentally. Whether it’s based on beliefs, goals, bad estimations or a simple lack of common sense, we all fall for this fault.
We tend to believe what we are doing is the best choice in a matter, or what we are doing is fool-proof. When this occurs, the consequence of our actions, even if they are in front of us may tend to fade out of view. This only becomes worse with fatigue or an impairing substance is within our systems (Alcohol, Drugs, etc.)
This is probably one of the biggest factors why wars occur or why world peace has yet to be achieved. Everyone has their own dreams and ideas they are striving for, which they become so entangled in that they pay no mind to possible influences and effects that may occur because of it, even if those visions are harmful. These aren’t just visions which harm others but even themselves, whether actual bodily harm, mental damage, or their own esteem.
Humans are an amazing race, no matter how our world can make us judge ourselves for being who we are, or even wishing there was a reset button on our very society, we are a great species. If we can push past our own ignorant and destructive nature than we as a species, if we could push past our own boundaries that were set by our ancestors hundreds of years ago.
Our skewed perception is are true downfall, once we can cut through it… the world truly is ours, and all 7 billion plus person on this planet would be able to reach their full potential.
All it takes, is opening your eyes and truly seeing everything around you.

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