Sunday, April 19, 2015

Cupid's Trickster

Donald sat at the bench looking across the field. He sighed taking in the beauty from a far, not realizing someone approaching from behind.

The person approached, watching Donald for a minute then shook his head and jumped down beside him, "So are you going to ask her out or just sit here in a contemplative silence?"

Donald was pulled out of the moment and turned in startle to find his friend seated beside him. "Jasper, don’t sneak up on me like that!"

Jasper chuckled, taking his friends scolding with little weight, "Yeah, yeah, whatever. Seriously are you going to just sit here and watch the girl you've been infatuated with from a far. I don't know about you but if you don't ask her soon someone might think you're... kind of a stalker."

Donald turned his focus back across the field to the beauty which held his attention for so long. He had meet her in grade 7 and they're paths had crossed more than once after graduating high school. He had her number and they were somewhat friends, but still how does one go about asking out the girl in which one was obsessed with?

"Earth to Donald, come in Donald do you read? Pull your attention away from constellation Jen and back to the comet Jasper over!" Jasper said muffling his voice with his had to sound more like a radio.

"I'm here, it's just... I don't know what to do man. We've known each other so long and, she's so pretty like wow. I mean how can someone be that hot, and she's not just looks she's just... just spectacular! and..." Donald continued on and on about Jen, Jasper tuning out a bit but still listening enough to pretend he cared. He had heard the same speech over and over about how Jen was so perfect and just what Donald was looking for and blah,blah,blah.

Finally Jasper stopped him again and asked for the thousandth time, "Why don't you just ask the lady out already man, she's right over there, she doesn't look busy, she's not with anyone and it's not raining!"

"What's the date and day?" Responded Donald.

"Sunday, the 15th of November." Jasper muttered.

"Nope, it's halfway through the month, she'll think I didn't make it a priority. Also it's a Sunday so she'll be too busy preparing for the week to say yes and it's November, everybody is still thinking about Remembrance day, too depressing for a date!" Stated Donald with absolute confidence.

Jasper facepalmed at his friends fear. "For the love of god, if you don't ask her soon then she will slip away. You'll be a mess of tears and I'm gonna have to clean it up while telling the guys that you broke your leg or something to make you sound decent. What are you afraid of, seriously what?"

"Nothing, I'm just looking for the right time and place, nothing else."

Jasper knew his friend too well, he was overly stubborn and not one to back down on anything... which gave Jasper an idea. "In theory, if you were to ask her out, what do you have planned... what would you do?"

"If I were to ask her out... hm." Donald pondered the question. "Well she get's off early from work Friday and I don't have anything happening Friday, never do. So I'd ask if she wanted to catch a movie with me on Friday at 6:00 and then promptly meet her at her place 5. Then afterwards I would see if she’s hungry and then if she was, we’d go straight to dinner!"

"Well... for a dreamer you sure have grounded plans."

"I don't dream, I plan ahead."

"Look Donald, I don't know what you're going to do... whether you're going to keep being in stalker mode or not but I'm going to go for a walk so I'll see you... when I do next." Jasper stated this then stood up and promptly left knowing that with Jen in the vicinity there was no chance of a good bye today.

About two weeks passed, Donald walked down the path of the park which he had been watching his fantasy lover, part of him knew he was just being a chicken but the other part insisted he was planning everything out perfectly.

"If only... if only I could just ask her, without actually asking her. That way no nerves would get in the way or I wouldn't need fear." He said quietly to himself as he strolled on.

"Yo, Don!" Shouted a beautiful voice from behind him.

It was her... why now. He was ambushed and flustered, there was not a chance he could do it now. He slowly turned to face her. "Hi Jen, what a surprise I wa-"

"My answers yes, I'll go out with you." She stated smiling.

Donald froze as those words came out from her mouth. How did she know this, all his friends were too loyal to say anything. Could she be psychic, how would he ever surprise her with anything.

"You know, the poem and flowers, not a usual method but very classy, also for the movie let's go see the one with George Clooney, he's a good actor ok?"

Donald nodded, "Y-yes of course, no problemo."

"Great, see you Friday." Jen hugged him tightly, then began walking the other way.

Donald waited until she was gone then unleashed his excitement and began to dance about, he had a date with the girl of his dreams. But how... unless.... no.

Jasper walked down the street towards home, as he turned he was grabbed from behind sending a wave of panic over him. "Listen man, I don't have anything I'm just heading home, give me a break."

"You sir are a great friend."

Jasper turned to see Donald behind him. "Don... what are you talking about?"

"Come on Jasper, we all know you're are trickster here, but I never thought you to play cupid."

"I don' k-"

"I'm not saying you did, but it's well know your style is a poem and flowers when asking a girl out... or valentines day. Thanks a lot man, I owe you one."

Jasper, nodded slightly and Donald took off.

The trickster looked back at where his friend had ran off, then continued home with a smile, contemplating a new business venture perhaps.


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