Tuesday, April 21, 2015

Freedom in Need

Today, today, we live in the era of freedom today, yet we are not free if I may speak. I say it now and I say it again, how are we free when the world is not?
How is it that I can speak my beliefs to you here and somewhere else I cannot? How is it here I can speak my mind without anything wrong, where somewhere else I would be locked up?
How can I walk the streets here perfectly safe, while somewhere else I have to worry about a bomb? How can I live in harmony here while somewhere else they are at war over something so small?
How am I able to have a full stomach now, when somewhere else I would be near starved? How is it, that here I am healthy, when somewhere else I would be crippled by disease?
How is it that I can write what I want, think as I want, and speak as I wish, when somewhere else everything is censored under the government's power? How is it I can be who I want to be here when there are people being prosecuted for who they are somewhere else?
Are we really going to say that freedom of any kind is only a right for some and not for all?
I believe whether I’m in Canada, Russia, Iran, England, China, France, Syria, etc. I believe that I should be able to walk down the street and feel completely safe!
I believe that I should be able to love who I want, to be able to believe in what I want, to be able to say what I want, without worry that I will be persecuted for it!
I believe that war should not be sparked because of a pitiful reason such as territory, religion or oil!
I believe that it shouldn’t just be freedom for America, freedom for the UK, no, I believe freedom for earth, freedom for all.
I’m not just talking about constitutional rights. I’m talking about the freedom to be who you want to be and not be persecuted for it. I want to be able to walk down the street wherever I may be and no it’s safe for me to move as I please.
We are in need of Freedom, you see and until I am free to be me everywhere that I can be then we shall be truly free. Yet I believe, that if we begin being less selfish and begin thinking global… then it can be achieved.

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